Thursday, August 7, 2008

Guys Hiking Trip

Last weekend I lead a hiking trip to the Twin Lakes area of the Kaiser wilderness. This was an awesome trip with some of my students, a couple Dads, one of my leaders, myself, and my Senior Pastor Jän Van Oosten. It was cool to have a trip that didn't have a set schedule. We hiked in on Thursday, and came out on Saturday. It is a beautiful trail, and even better destination. Word of advice though, if you are going to do Twin Lakes, you have two options, K2 or K3, K3 is the easier of the two and we found that out the hard way. Anyways, this trip was filled with whittling, fire, rock climbing, swimming, card games, and sleep. It was cool to get Jr High guys outside their element and show them there is life outside of a computer screen or whatever else it is that we let distract us from fellowship with others and more importantly with God.

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