Sunday, April 27, 2008

almost there

I have been working away on my last few papers and projects, I have one last small assignment due tomorrow that I am going to skip in order to finish the larger more important assignments. For now sleep seems like it would be the best option. I have the finishing touches on an assignment that is probably close to 75 pages and an 8-10 page paper then I will forever be finished with my BA!

Friday, April 25, 2008

you ever get the feelin that some people are against you no matter what you do?

I am 15 days away from my graduation... or I am 15 days away from the graduation at my school. See a difference? It seems that there is forever going to be one more thing to do, and that there are powers that be that want to do all they can to make sure that the latter of the two becomes reality. Oh well I am going to do my program, take care of all of the stuff that I have control over, and pray for favor... After all, this really isn't much of a priority to me anyways, so I need to be taught a lesson... If you really want to know details just ask.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

I'm smitten

I have been interacting more and more with the mac world, and from ipods to laptops you can not argue with the beautiful appearance and reliability of the apple product. Well, now with the laptops they are becoming more user friendly for the pc apt people like myself. I have decided that I want one. I don't know when I will get it but we will see, maybe I can get it purchased through work...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I need motivation!

I am a couple weeks away from graduating with my BA in Bible and Theology, I have a bunch of work left to do and no motivation to do it. This is not good!

Sunday, April 20, 2008


I am used to being busy, and it is usually with good stuff. This weekend is no exception except to say that even for me, a person that chronically runs sleep deprived supplemented by what I like to call "Liquid Naps" (sugar free No Fear energy drinks) This weekend was crazy busy. All good stuff though. So to preface, I haven't had a day off in about 2 weeks, some of my own doing but churches can be good at eating your time too, i digress. Anyways this weekend we had our Debate at Fresno State on Friday, our Symposium on Saturday, and to cap the weekend off we had student lead services in our main services. The Debate consisted of Dinish D'Souza (theist) and Michael Shermer (atheist). This was a great event. It made my Friday go from getting up at 7am for school to heading to state to load in to security to tear down and bed around 11:30pm. Saturday I was up at 5am to open the coffee shop at our church for the symposium then attending sessions (again awesome!) and floating to make sure the event was running smoothly to tear down then to watch the documentary Expelled (You should see it) then to a stupid event with our college ministry called Sushi Olympics, then to watching the UFC fights at a friends house then leaving early to get to bed around 11:30pm. Sunday I got up about 6am at the church about 7:20 set up, meetings then just did my part in the services which was pretty easy this time around (I got the privilege of baptizing some of my students!) Then went to lunch and picked the brain of our special guest speaker Chap Clark ( he is amazing and was a huge blessing to me. He is the authority when it comes to youth culture today. Now I am at home and I am going to take a nap in front of the TV, but first I have to move all of the clean cloths of the couch that I have washed but have yet to fold. Oh and in the past 3 days I have consumed 7 "liquid naps," is that bad?

Oh and with the exception of a meeting on Tuesday, and work on Wednesday I am taking the week off, so I can work on school. (it will be worth it in the end, or so I am told)

I'm done, good night.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Zombie Survival Plan

I love my job... (interesting opening considering the title of this post) Why I say this is because I get to work with Jr High students! So on Tuesdays I go to Granite Ridge for lunch and hang out with students from the youth group. So in the time frame of one hour I discussed with one student why he was an atheist and am looking forward to more discussions (this is truly the far more important topic covered that day) but I also got into a debate with another student about Zombie Survival Plans. Thats right, what if zombies became an epidemic? Are you ready? I figure that I am, and the students that brought up the topic thought they were as well. By the end of the "Debate" I think I had the upper hand and of the audience present more would've rather been with me than with the student if zombies attacked. HAHA. So when I was thinking about this post I looked it up and there is actually A LOT of information on the topic, even a book! SO the question is will you be ready? What are you planning on doing if zombies attack?

Monday, April 14, 2008


I am one of those procrastinating types that does everything last minute...
Well my taxes are no exception. They are done! Thanks to Chad (dive n wine). And I even have a day to spare. I guess this is one time of year when its good to be poor, because the government decides to give you money back! I guess next year without the added expense of school I will have to figure out some other write off. Who knows maybe a dependent...

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A Stroll in the Park

There was a time when I was in shape, and running was easy. I would go run trails for miles and then do whatever the next day without being sore at all. So I have been out of it for a while now and sadly you lose IT faster than you gain IT. So this morning I went running in Woodward Park this morning. I remember when that was easy... Oh well , I can get it back.

Merry Marriage...

Due to internet being sketchy while I was in Utah I wasn't able to blog during the trip, and since I have been back I have either been busy or posted something else. Yesterday a friend sent me this picture from Colorado City. We were in front of the Merry Wives Cafe' so I figured I should get a few wives of my own. So here I am with 5. I figured that was a good manageable number...

Friday, April 4, 2008


So I went to Sierra Summit today for the first time since the beginning of Feb. It was surprisingly good! The snow was slushy and fast, an odd combination but it was definitely good since it was consistent. If you are able to go tomorrow I suggest it.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Is this the insurance company you want representing you?

So to save you from a long boring story lets just start with the fact that I am looking for a new insurance company. In my insurance hunting process I received a quote from:

Eddieboy T. Refuerzo

Joyride Insurance Services, Inc.

...don't think I am going through Eddieboy at Joyride.

maybe I am wrong but if I need someone to represent me in a legal matter I don't want Eddieboy.

What are your thoughts?